Namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
- GamePad
Supports querying the game controllers and setting the vibration motors.
- Joystick
Allows interaction with joysticks. Unlike GamePad the number of Buttons/Axes/DPads is not limited.
- Keyboard
Allows getting keystrokes from keyboard.
- Mouse
Allows reading position and button click information from mouse.
- MouseCursor
Describes a mouse cursor.
- GamePadButtons
A struct that represents the current button states for the controller.
- GamePadCapabilities
A stuct that represents the controller capabilities.
- GamePadState
Represents specific information about the state of the controller, including the current state of buttons and sticks.
This is implemented as a partial struct to allow for individual platforms to offer additional data without separate state queries to GamePad.
- GamePadThumbSticks
A struct that represents the current stick (thumbstick) states for the controller.
- GamePadTriggers
A struct that contains information on the left and the right trigger buttons.
- JoystickCapabilities
Describes joystick capabilities.
- JoystickHat
Describes joystick hat state.
- JoystickState
Describes current joystick state.
- KeyboardState
Holds the state of keystrokes by a keyboard.
- MouseState
Represents a mouse state with cursor position and button press information.
- ButtonState
Defines a button state for buttons of mouse, gamepad or joystick.
- Buttons
Defines the buttons on gamepad.
- GamePadDeadZone
Specifies a type of dead zone processing to apply to Xbox 360 Controller analog sticks when calling GetState.
- GamePadType
Defines a type of gamepad.
- KeyState
Identifies the state of a keyboard key.
- Keys
Defines the keys on a keyboard.